Hazard label
危險性標簽 |
Name/Division Cargo IMP Code
貨運標準代碼 |
描述 |
Comments and/or Examples
例子 |
Class 6 Toxic (Poisonous) and Infectious Substances 第六類 有毒物質以及有傳染性物質 |

Division 6.1
Toxic Substance
毒性物質類別 6.1 |
Liquids or solids, which are dangerous if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin.
6.1項毒性物質係指在吞食、吸入或皮膚接觸後,可能造成死亡或嚴重受傷或損害人的健康的物質。 |
e.g. Arsenic, Nicotine, Cyanide, Pesticide, Strychnine.
Some are totally forbidden, e.g. Bromoacetone.
砷、尼古丁、氰化物、殺蟲劑、馬錢子鹼 。 |

Division 6.2
Infectious Substance
感染物質類別 6.2 |
Substances which are known or reasonably expected to contain pathogens and cause disease in humans or in animals
指那些已知含有或有理由認為含有病原體的物質。病原體是指會使人類或動物感染疾病的微生物(包括細菌、病毒、立克次氏體、寄生蟲、真菌)或其他媒介物,例如朊毒體。 |
e.g. Virus, Bacteria, such as HIV (AIDS), Rabies, some diagnostic specimens and Medical and Clinical waste.
病毒、細菌,例如HIV (愛滋病)、狂犬病、某些診療樣品和臨床與醫療廢棄物。 |
Class 7 Radioactive Material 第七類 放射性物質 |
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Class 7
Radioactive Material
Category I - White
放射性類別7項別 I |
Radioactive materials with low radiation level on the package surface. No transport index indicated.
放射性物質係指所含放射性核素的活度濃度和托運貨總活度均超過規定數值的任何物質。 |
e.g. Radionuclides or isotopes for medical or industrial purposes, such as Cobalt 60, Caesium 131 and Iodine 132.
放射性核素或核素用於醫療或工業目的,例如︰鈷60、銫131 和碘132 。 |

Class 7
Radioactive Material
Category II - Yellow
放射性類別7項別 II黃色 |
Radiation level higher than Category I and a transport index not exceeding 1.
放射性物質活度高於類別 I,運輸指數不超過1。 |

Class 7
Radioactive Material
Category III - Yellow
放射性類別7項別 III 黃色 |
Radiation level higher than Category II and/or a transport index exceeding 1 but not more than 10.
放射性物質活度高於類別 II,運輸指數介符1與10之間。 |

Class 7
Radioactive Material Fissile
Criticality Safety Index
臨界安全指數 |
Criticality Safety Index labels must be used in addition to the appropriate radioactive labels to provide control over accumulation of packages or overpacks containing fissile material.
除放射性物質標簽外臨界安全指數標簽也必須貼上,以控制包裝及合成包裝含有裂變物質的份量。 |
e.g. Fissile material: Uranium 233 and 235, Plutonium 239 and 241.
裂變物質,例如︰鈾233及235、 |
Class 8 Corrosive 第八類 腐蝕性物質 |

Class 8
Corrosive Material
腐蝕性物質類別 8 |
A liquid or solid that will cause severe damage when in contact with living tissue or, in the case of leakage will materially damage or even destroy other goods or the means of transport.
腐蝕性物質是通過化學作用在接觸生物組織時會造成嚴重損傷、或在滲漏時會嚴重損害甚至毀壞其他貨物或運輸工具的物質。 |
e.g. Battery acids, sulphuric and other acids, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, Mercury
Class 9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods 第九類 雜項物質 |

Class 9
Miscellaneous dangerous goods
雜項物質類別 9 |
Any substance which presents a danger during air transportation that is not covered by other classes.
These include Aviation regulated solids or liquids, where materials may have irritating, noxious or other properties which could cause extreme annoyance or discomfort to crew members preventing them from performing their duties
第9 類物質和物品是指在空運過程中存在的不屬於其他類別危險性的危險物質和物品。
這些物質包括航空管制的固體和液體,具有麻痺性、有害性刺激性或其他性質,一旦溢出能引起機組人員極度煩躁或不適以致不能正常履行職責。 |
e.g. Asbestos, Garlic Oil, Life Rafts, Internal Combustion Engines.
Polymeric beads
Class 9
類別 9 |
Semi-processed polymeric articles, impregnated with a flammable gas or liquid as a blowing agent; they may evolve small quantities of flammable gas.
是用於製造聚合物製品的半成品。當滲透易燃氣體或液體時可用來造發泡劑,在運輸中會放出少量易燃氣體。 |
Carbon dioxide, solid (Dry Ice)
固態二氧化碳 (乾冰)
Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice) has a temperature of -79oC. On sublimation it produces a gas heavier than air which in an enclosed area and in large quantities can lead to suffocation.
溫度極低(-79 oC左右),當固態二氧化碳直接轉變成為氣體二氧化碳時,因氣體較空氣重而取代了空氣,所以在密閉空間能造成窒息。 |