Hazard label
危險性標簽 |
Name/Division Cargo IMP Code
貨運標準代碼 |
描述 |
Comments and/or Examples
例子 |
Class 2 Gases第二類 氣體 |

Division 2.1
Flammable Gas
易燃氣體類別 2.1 |
Any gas which, when mixed with air in certain proportions, forms a flammable mixture.
與空氣混合,可燃輻度至少為12個百分點的氣體。 |
e.g. Butane, Hydrogen, Propane, Acetylene, Lighters
丁烷、氫、丙烷、乙炔、打火機 |

Division 2.2 Non-flammable non-toxic gas
不易燃, 無毒的壓縮氣體類別 2.2 |
Any non-flammable, non-toxic gas or low temperature liquefied gas.
非易燃無毒氣體。 |
e.g. Carbon dioxide, Neon, Fire extinguisher, liquefied Nitrogen or Helium
二氧化碳、氖、滅火器或低溫液化氣體例如液化氮氣或氦氣。 |

Division 2.3
Toxic Gas
有毒氣體類別 2.3 |
Gases known to be toxic or corrosive to humans and known to pose a health risk.
已知具有的毒性或腐蝕性強到對人的健康造成危害的氣體。 |
Most toxic gases are forbidden for carriage by air; some are permitted, e.g. aerosols of low toxicity, tear gas devices.
具毒性或腐蝕性,對人的健康造成危險的氣體多數毒氣被禁止為使用空運;有些被允許,例如低毒性噴霧劑, 催淚彈等設備。 |
Class 3 – Flammable Liquid 第三類 易燃液體 |

Class 3
Flammable Liquid
易燃液體 |
Any liquid having a closed cup flash point of 60.oC or below (DGR Appendix A)
e.g. Paints, alcohols, some adhesives, acetone, petrol, etc.
某些油漆、油漆、酒精、某些膠黏劑、丙酮、汽油等。 |
Class 4 Flammable solids 第四類 易燃固體 |

Division 4.1
Flammable solid
易燃固體類別 4.1 |
Any solids material, which is readily combustible, or may cause or contribute to fire through friction
易燃固體,指在正常運輸條件下,易於燃燒的固體和摩擦可能起火的固體;自身反應物質是指容易發生激烈放熱分解的物質;鹹敏的爆炸品是指不充分稀釋就可能爆炸的物質。 |
e.g. Matches, Sulphur, Celluloid, Nitronaphthalene. Note: some are self-reactive.
火柴、硫磺、明膠、硝基。 注︰某些是自我反應物質。 |

Division 4.2 Spontaneously Combustible
自燃物品類別 4.2 |
Such substances are liable to spontaneous heating or to heating up in contact with air and then liable to catch fire.
自然物質係指在正常運輸條件下能自發放熱,或接觸空氣能夠放熱;並隨後起火的物質。 |
e.g. White or Yellow phosphorous, Magnesium diamide.
白色或黃色磷、鎂聯氨。 |

Division 4.3
Dangerous When Wet RFW
遇濕易燃物品類別 4.3 |
Substances, which by interaction with water, are liable to become spontaneously flammable or give off flammable gases.
與水接觸釋放出易燃氣體(遇濕危險)的物質。這種物質與水反應自燃或產生足以構成危險數量的易燃氣體。 |
e.g. Calcium carbide, sodium.
鈣碳化物、鈉。 |
Class 5 Oxidizing substance; organic peroxide 第五類 氧化劑 |
Division 5.1
氧化劑類別 5.1 |
A substance that yields oxygen readily to stimulate the combustion of other materials.
氧化劑是指本身未必燃燒,但通常因放出氧可能引起或促使其他物質燃燒的物質。這類物質可能含在一種物品內。 |
e.g. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, calcium chlorate, bleaches.
硝酸銨肥料、鈣氯酸鹽、漂白劑。 |
Division 5.2
Organic Peroxide
類別 5.2 |
An organic material (liquid or solid) that can be ignited readily by external flame and then burns with an accelerating rate: some substances react dangerously with others
有機過氧化物遇熱不穏定,它可以放熱並因面加速自身的分解。此外,它們還可能與其他物質發危險的反應。 |
e.g. tert-Butyl hydroperoxide, as listed in Appendix C of the DGR
丁基過氧化氫, 被列出在《規則》附錄C。 |